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Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Festival Tanaman Hias Jogja-Bali (Ornamental Plant Festival Jawa-Bali) Committee, will perform contest is having coronet "Sanseivera Championship 2007" in Gondolayu, Jl Jend Soedirman 38 Yogyakarta, Thursday ( 27/12) coming. Contest is divided to 2 class that is Trifasiata class and Non Trifasiata class , the price over total present Rp 4, 5 million.

Registration of participant starts served on Monday (24/12) finite half hour before assessment is started. Assessment will be done precise at 12:30 WIB. registration of Cropping of Rp 150.000,-. For winner I, each class will receive Rp 1 million. Winner II RP 750.000,- and III Rp 500.000,-

"This festival is action chains FTHJB to close the year 2007. Top moment is Anthurium Jenmanii Championship Contest which will be performed 30 Decembers 2007," said Agung, staff Yudhistira Production, in arena FTHJB.
