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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jogja Biennale IX - 2007

Jogja Biennale will present again. Jogja Biennale IX - 2007 will carry new theme, Neo-Nation. Performed full one month, Ninth Biennale will be followed by 166 participants from various areas in Indonesia, and overseas ( Japan, Dutch, and Quait). Coming actor do not only from different area, but also different generation.

Theme choice Neo-Nation is assumed to response social-cultural phenomenon precise to be ' identity'. Neo-Nation rises from reality to experience "indonesianism" by new approach and way of thinking.

With four curators, that is Sujud Dartanto, Kuss Indarto, Suwarno Wisetrotomo, and Eko Prawoto, Jogja Biennale IX - 2007 will present having kind of fine arts to be enjoyed public.

Jogja Biennale IX - 2007 will be held from date of 28 December 2007 - 28 January 2008, public is given opportunity to melt in "indonesianism" of the this actors. Jogja Biennale IX - 2007 will be performed [ in three places, that is Jogja National Museum, Culture Garden Yogyakarta, and Sangking Art Space.
