As technical preparation for operational bus Trans-Jogja, now is being done installation of ticketing machine and interconnection network system of ticketing machine inter-shelters of bus Trans-Jogja. Beside that, there are also regulation preparation that is the draft of revision for Local Regulation 10 the year 2001 and Local Regulation 9 the year 2005 both as legal fundament for operational bus Trans-Jogja. (Read :related post)
The Head of Communication Department Transportation Field of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sigit Haryanto said that the installation of ticketing machine would be done on January 15. The ticketing machine for the bus shelters which province government’s responsibility have been installed. While the ticketing machine for the bus shelter which town government’s responsibility are still in installation process.
Then, would be conduct the installation and testing of interconnection network system of ticketing machine inter-shelters with central server on Communication Department Office of Yogyakarta Special Region. As the bus ticket, the ticket would apply a smart card as size as the “ATM” card.
We hope that any preparation quickly completed, that the bus Trans-Jogja are soon operated and all people soon enjoys its existence.
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