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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bus Shelters of Trans Jogja are ready operated

As much 34 unit of bus shelter of Patas Trans Jogja done by Government of Yogyakarta City and 42 units by Government of Yogyakarta Special Region are ready operated. In this time the partner, PT Lendis Cipta Media (Ltd.) omits to finish the paint of the shelter, crop creep and also hold for "difabel". Solving of the additions expected can finish at middle of January 2008 coming.

Installation of electrics on every bus shelter with 450 watt energy, whereabouts 250 watt energy for the operational of ticketing machine, in this time have started done by especially for bus shelter in south region. Every bus shelter has been attached by electrics involved of lamp in the current week.

Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of DPRD DIY, Istianah ZA SH MHUM, the approval work between PT Jogja Tugu Trans ( JTT) with The Government of Yogyakarta Special Region for the operational of Patas Bus, depend on a plenary meeting ( Rapur). The Meeting will be performed on Saturday ( 29 / 12). Member of Pansus (Special Committee) of Patas Bus DPRD (Parliament)DIY, Sudrajat Selorudjito said that after this cooperation approval, hence omit to conduct the relevant amendments of Local Government Regulation, like public transport, retribution and reserve fund.


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Friday, December 28, 2007

Biennale Jogja IX, "Nationality Restlessness"

Biennale Jogja ( BJ) IX-2007 intentionally chooses big theme ' Neo-Nation'. This theme becomes kuratorial focus because lately the problem of nationality becomes restlessness together, either youngster or parents.

Biennale Jogja IX will be executed tonight, Friday ( 28/12) in Taman Budaya Yogyakarta ( TBY) and will be opened by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X (The Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region). Activity takes place until January 16 2008 the disseminates in 3 place, Sangkring Art Space, TBY and Jogja National Museum.

Anggi (The Event Coordinator of BJ) said that nationality become problem of all public levels. This event followed by 166 perupa, has not from foreign countries, form of activities are exhibition, discussion, art performance, live performance, presentation of masterpiece, etc. Curatorial BJ IX is done by Suwarno Wisetrotomo, Eko Prawoto, Kuss Indarto, Sujud Dartanto.

Anggi said that nationality problem become fidgets and tickles all public levels. The expectation is becomes study, clarification with nationality of Indonesia in coming.


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Thursday, December 27, 2007

10 Thousands People Visit Parangtrits Beach

Parangtritis Beach still becoming main tourism place during this year-end vacation season. Number of the visitors reachs more than 10 thousand at the time of Chrismas ( 25/12). Visitor majority of course still be predominated local tourist. But that becomes good news for tourism climate in Bantul (Southern of Yogyakarta Province) after earthquake disaster making many tourists refuse to the sea.
Commander of Parangtritis Beach SAR Team, Suroyo tells, most tourist enjoy situation of morning to see sunrise and evening when sunset.
Agus Sujiarto, the officer of retribution collector of Parangtris Beach tells, number of visitors Parangtritis Beach more than 10 thousand until at 6:00 PM.


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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Tourism Website Having Innovation Increases Visit

In line with development of information technology, promotion of tourism through internet increasingly effective also introduces tourism objects and businessmen.

The provider also does various innovations for increasingly increases number of visitors tourism website, is starting for potential tourist.

Local tourism website of YogYescom, for example, launchs Yogyakarta tourism map fitur version 2.

Through shopping fitur visitor can access information various crafting product of Yogyakarta like interior decoration, furniture, accessory, and other products

Besides shopping fitur, car rental is other new fitur which there is in YogYescom. this fitur can become solution to the limited transportation of public which able to be accessed tourist, particularly if they wish to travel at night.

Now average visited by 3000 visitor per day from various states. Advertorial still becoming source of main earnings for this site. Tourism objects up date always is done.


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Festival Tanaman Hias Jogja-Bali (Ornamental Plant Festival Jawa-Bali) Committee, will perform contest is having coronet "Sanseivera Championship 2007" in Gondolayu, Jl Jend Soedirman 38 Yogyakarta, Thursday ( 27/12) coming. Contest is divided to 2 class that is Trifasiata class and Non Trifasiata class , the price over total present Rp 4, 5 million.

Registration of participant starts served on Monday (24/12) finite half hour before assessment is started. Assessment will be done precise at 12:30 WIB. registration of Cropping of Rp 150.000,-. For winner I, each class will receive Rp 1 million. Winner II RP 750.000,- and III Rp 500.000,-

"This festival is action chains FTHJB to close the year 2007. Top moment is Anthurium Jenmanii Championship Contest which will be performed 30 Decembers 2007," said Agung, staff Yudhistira Production, in arena FTHJB.


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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Commemoration of Mother Day, Kohati Insists on Stop Trafficking

Greets Mother Day December 22 yesterday, activist Korps HMI Wati (Kohati) Branch Yogyakarta performed a demonstration. Demonstration is performed with longmarch from Tugu crossroad to Big Post Office of Jogja. In the action, they give flowers to public as a symbol of affection.

Tens of activist Korps HMI Wati (Kohati) Branch Yogyakarta, insists on central government and area to realize Law (code) No.12/2007 about eradication of people trading crime
(trafficking), especially to woman and child.

Through the street, women activist unfold the poster and banner. That is"Surga Di Bawah Telapak Kaki Ibu" (Heaven under mother's foot), "Ibu pahlawan sejati berjuang dengan hati", "Selamat hari Ibu dari HMI" (Happy Mother Day from HMI), "Selamatkan ibu dari perdagangan wanita" (Save mother from women trading), etc.

The Action Coordinator Mahdaniah said that Indonesia now is known as woman consignor state and child to be employed in sector non-formal, like sexual worker and household worker to various states. And from this business , arsonists can get profit USD 7 billion every year.

" This trafficking is form of the third biggest crime in world after commerce of weapon and drugs", she said.


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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jogja Biennale IX - 2007

Jogja Biennale will present again. Jogja Biennale IX - 2007 will carry new theme, Neo-Nation. Performed full one month, Ninth Biennale will be followed by 166 participants from various areas in Indonesia, and overseas ( Japan, Dutch, and Quait). Coming actor do not only from different area, but also different generation.

Theme choice Neo-Nation is assumed to response social-cultural phenomenon precise to be ' identity'. Neo-Nation rises from reality to experience "indonesianism" by new approach and way of thinking.

With four curators, that is Sujud Dartanto, Kuss Indarto, Suwarno Wisetrotomo, and Eko Prawoto, Jogja Biennale IX - 2007 will present having kind of fine arts to be enjoyed public.

Jogja Biennale IX - 2007 will be held from date of 28 December 2007 - 28 January 2008, public is given opportunity to melt in "indonesianism" of the this actors. Jogja Biennale IX - 2007 will be performed [ in three places, that is Jogja National Museum, Culture Garden Yogyakarta, and Sangking Art Space.


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Pasar Kranggan Would be "auctioned"

Perupa Solichin known always makes a picture life of small public, will perform a single exhibition in Losari Coffe Plantation, 23 Decembers 2007 finite of 6 January 2008. Takes little man theme, Solichin will demonstrate 23 paintings is including his masterpiece entitling "Pasar Kranggan".

About 23 paintings, price would on the market Rp 2,5 million until Rp 18 million. Except for master painting piece which will be opened starts Rp 20 million.

Besides that, he will become artist in residence from 24 December to 06 January. He will serve guest Losari to sketch face and fund result of auction of painting will be rendered to Yayasan Losari.

Meanwhile, Nina Gaffar from Yayasan Losari lays open, as peripatetic independent institution in the field of social and culture, their side have importance to lift masterpiece owned by Solichin.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Photograph Exibition on a Train

Indonesia Communications Academy Student ( Akindo) has way of on unique to demonstrate their photography masterpiece. Yesterday, student of public relation majors ( PR) generation 2005 performing exhibition of photography above compartment of train called 'Prameks" line to Jogja-Solo.

Photograph exposition started at 1000 by taking start Lempuyangan train station. There is tens of on display photograph masterpiece in event taking theme "PR Flas on the Train".

Committee event of exhibition Astri Nugraheni Sayekti explains, the election of train as location of exhibition because a having kind of segmentation of passenger this public transportation. " Train is place of public. This also to show photography is not merely can be enjoyed certain circle, but age without bound whosoever and social," she said.

Besides as place exhibits result of masterpiece, this event also as practice of student study. " This can give new nuance to all student, especially in the field of the management of exhibition," she asserted.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Accademic Cooperation - Canadian Resource Centre Present in Yogyakarta

Center Canadian Culture Study or Canadian Resource Centre for the first time of presents in Indonesia, precisely in library building of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Center the study is result of cooperation (activity) between UIN Sunan Kalijaga with McGill University, Canada. Opening Canadian Resource Centre ( CRC) this done by Canada Ambassador John Holmes, last week, in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.

Partakes consorts Holmes, Chairman of IAIN Indonesia Social Equity Project ( IISEP) at the same time proxy from McGill University Philip Buckley, and Rector of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Amin Abdullah. Like submitted by Amin, center this study is reinforcement of cooperation (activity of education between) UIN Sunan Kalijaga and McGill University which has taken place 15 years. " Year-end 2007, the cooperation completed. But, we still take care of good relationship with Universitas McGill, one of them is by built Center Canadian Culture Study in UIN," says Amin. Promotion CRC later will become promotion means of study about Canada to the Indonesia students. Do not only that, center study which its (the establishment) financed by Canadian the Government passed Departemen Luar Negeri and This international trade also presents newest information about last development of life of public and the Government of Canada.


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Exhibition of Sketch Yogya in Hotel Mercure

Exhibition of Sketch Yogya in Hotel Mercure

Art EXHIBITION Drawing is having coronet ' Sketch of Jogja ' masterpiece Mulyo Gunarso in Hotel Marcure will break illiquidity of its(the rareness exhibition of sketch in Indonesia. ” I very consciousness, exhibition of the sketch very rare done, hence I present sketch masterpiece Jogja setting with all longings from deadly still situation until furore,” says Mulyo Gunarso in Hotel Mercure Yogya, Friday ( 16/11).

This exhibition carried out Hotel Mercure with Jogja Gallery ( JG) taken place since Friday ( 16/11) until coming 16 Decembers. This exhibition presents paradoksal sketch with silence, silence until furore. Consorted Franck Loison ( General Manager Hotel Mercure), KRMT INDRO ' Kimpling’ Suseno ( Executive Director Jogja Galerry), Mikke Susanto, Nunuk Ambarwati ( Curator JG), Mulyo Gunarso tells, exhibition presents 20 masterpieces is of course immortalizes nuance angle of Yogya. Mulyo observes South great waves painting object, Tamansari, Pasar Burung Ngasem, Market Is having Beringharjo until Candi Prambanan and Candi Borobudur. ” I draw off the cuff something, there is one objects until two-day,” says graduated FSR ISI Yogyakarta.

Constraint faced, namely presents the object in realist of course requires accuracy, correctness, assidinity that the object character can be be good. ” If I make market tone sketch exactly quickly because with expressive approach, like Pasar Ngasem, Market Beringharjo, or situation Klitikan with all furores,” says it. Differs from makes sketch Pagelaran Kraton, Monument Yogya, Kantor Pos Besar for detail that the really emerging character with monochrome colour, non black and white as as a rule. Indro Suseno tells, this exhibition at the same time becomes media to give alternative for tourist collects swan song. ( Jay)-m


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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Art and Culture

Yogya as a centre of culture of tourist destination indeed has many event to show the tourism are follows:

1. Gamelan is the Javanese traditional music instruments.

2. Grebeg is an offering held by Sultan of Yogyakarta for the people. This offering features “Gunungan” which is brought from the Sultan Palace to the Grand Mosque courtyards where thousands of people waiting to snatch away part of this Gunungan. Grebeg ceremony is annually held on three different times every year.

  1. Grebeg Maulud is held on third month of Javanese calendar commemorating the birth of Muhammad the Prophet.
  2. Grebeg Syawal is held on the Moslem holy day of Idul Fitri.
  3. Grebeg Besar is held on the Moslem sacrifice day of Idul Qurban.

3. Gunungan is a mountain shape of food made of vegetables, peanuts, reopepper eggs and several delicacies made of sticky rice symbolizing the Sultan charity given to the people.

4. Karawitan is a Javanese traditional folksongs.

5. Labuhan is an offering ceremony of the Sultan of Yogyakarta presented and bought to Mount Merapi, Mount Lawu and Parangkusumo Beach as a symbol of magical relation between the Yogyakarta Palace and those three places.

6. Macapatan is a traditional Javanese folksongs performance accompanied by Javanese traditional music Gamelan.

7. Malem Selikuran is a religious ceremony held on 17th of Ramadhan by Yogyakarta Palace commemorating the Holy Qur’an revelation.

8. Merti Code or Village Purification ceremony is held at Code utara. The tradition is held to show the gratefulness to God for the blessing given us. The ceremony will perform traditional art and Gunungan which is carrie out in the parade and scrambled by the villagers.

9. Numplak wajik (Wajik; a food made of sticky rice), is a ceremnony held in the course of preparing Gunungan.

10. Ruwatan is sacred ceremony for the purpose of warding off misfortune especially for the Sukreta (the single child, five children all boys, borned at midday etc.). Bethara Kalla is the special story of leather puppets show perform.

11. Padusan (means; take a bath) is also a tradition to welcome the Holy Ramadhan. People go to the bathing place, swimming pool or water sources to do this tradition in the course of preparing themselves for the Holy month in a body and soul.

12. Sendratari Ramayana is a Javanese traditional ballet featuring the Ramayana Story.

13. Sadran is a tradition to welcome the Holy Ramadhan month by raising pray for all the forfathers.

14. Sekaten is a ceremony commemorating the birth of Muhammad the Prophet. The word comes from Syahadatain, the first line that every Moslem confessing Allah The Mighty. During Demak Kingdom period, the ceremony is used to attract people to come to the Mosque and listening to the melodious of Gamelan music.

15. Siraman Pusaka is a ceremony held to clean and purify the ancient hairloom such as royal coach, keris (dagger) and lances. This ceremony is sacredly held on the Suro month of Javanese Calender.

16. Tapa Bisu Mubeng Beteng is an ascetism ritual by walking around the Palace fortress. People walking without speaking, this tradition is held to celebrate Javanese New Year event on the 1st Suro month.

17. Tinggalan Dalem is a ceremony to commemorate the birth of Sultan Yogyakarta.

18. Tinggalan Jumeneng Dalem is anniversary of commemorating the Sultan Yogyakarta Enthrone.

19. Towong is a ceremony held by Sultan Palaca in the course of preparing big ceremony such as Grebeg, Sekaten etc.

20. Leather puppet shadow play is a Javanese traditional play performed by a narrator and puppeteers featuring the Mahabarata or Ramayana story.

21. Wayang Golek (wooden puppet play) is a Javanese traditional play performed by a narrator and 3-dimensional wooden dolls featuring the Menak story.

22. Wayang Purwo is Javanese traditional play performed by narrator and puppeteers featuring one episode of the Mahabarata story.

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